PAD (preparation for departure)

3 days
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PAD (preparation for departure)

About the training

SAHCO Consulting has developed unique expertise in the design of Pre-Departure Training (PAD), designed over 3 days of field simulation for up to 20 people. Pre-Departure Training (PDT) is specifically designed for field operators, often as part of mandatory pre-deployment training.


SAHCO offers PAD training based on essential elements of adult pedagogy, in particular the active participation of learners and the use of a variety of pedagogical techniques to ensure maximum learning of information. SAHCO ensures that participants are anchored in a realistic operational environment. Sessions are dynamic and highly interactive, with an average of 30% classroom-based and 70% off-site, based on a concrete case study.

  • Easy to visualize a humanitarian program through simulation and professional actors
  • To fully grasp the dimensions and responsibilities of each position within the field team

- Practical cases and scenarios will be carried out by participants immediately on the first day, with the aim of applying the knowledge taught and confirming its acquisition

Main objectives
  • Systematize and promote the dissemination of the organization's main internal tools, methods and procedures
  • Acquire the basics of the procedures and tools used by the organization internationally
  • Facilitate and shorten induction times for field staff
  • Standardize field practices and contribute to project quality
What will you learn?

The aim of the PAD is to provide new volunteers with a common operational culture: knowledge of the institutional tools, methods, resources, procedures, postures and deadlines that they will have to respect once they have taken up their position. Sessions are often led by a technical or operational referent from the department most concerned by the chapter in question.

  • Understand all stages of the project cycle implemented by the organization
  • Learning specific tools and methods which must be respected in line with the organization's operations
  • Solving operational problems

Boost your career

Follow theoretical and practical course modules enriched by current feedback from the field.

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